"Photos Thru My Lens"
Sunset In The Summer-North Wildwood, NJ
Sunset In The Summer-North Wildwood, NJ
"5 Things That Caught My Eye"
- Here is wonderful techniques on "How to Audition Your Stitches". I use all three styles often!
- Don't you love useless information! Here is one of those things that I never even gave it a thought. Someday this will come in handy to know!
- Why is it that whenever you start cutting back on calories , a recipe shows up that is wonderfully sinful! Yeap I have made it!!
- Great information on cleaning your bobbin case. There is a video!
- I will admit it--I enjoy the binding process however I am not a fan of attaching a quilt sleeve. I have now done this technique to speed up the process but mainly to get a nice straight sleeve. It works!