A New Award!
Thank You Barb

A few months ago Barb from Mountain Quilt Works
and I became buddies while chatting about this new blogging world, we both had recently gotten into.
And now Barb has presented me with
"The Versatile Blogger Award".
"The Versatile Blogger Award".
My job is to copy and paste the Award on my page, share 7 things with you, that you may or may not know about me, and then link 15 fellow blogger's who also deserve this award
and pass it on to them.
Here goes:
1. My favorite neutral color is Black. Most of my quilts have black in it somewhere.
2. I live in a seaside resort area.
3. Why must I like Pep's so much? And now they have them for every holiday. What is that about!
5. I recently have joined the Knitting World--is there a 12 step program somewhere?
5. Call me crazy, but I prefer chocolate chip cookies WITHOUT the chips.
6. Some of my fondest memories are sitting together with my husband and our boys, on our back deck--- talking!
7. I get to spend most of the fall and winter playing in the fiber world! Life is Good!
And now the Blogger's I am passing this onto:
I hope you enjoy reading these blogs as much as I do.
Till We Quilt Again,