Sunday, May 31, 2015

What Caught My Eye!

Miniture rose in the backyard

A few things that caught my eye this week...........

Hopefully someday I will be able to make these fun Fabric Gift Bags from my stash! There is a video to follow along with!

How do they get so much done????  Well here is a something I do with  23 minutes. I have been doing this for a few years and it REALLY WORKS!

Love this three ingredient grilled chicken recipe from "Pinch Of Yum" . Don't you just love the blog name?

Some magical power just knew I was looking for this List. This came just in time for those summer days on the beach or on the back deck. Wahoo!

Chrissie D has a great tutorial on how to clean your rotary matt. Mine is starting to look a bit shabby.

Till We Quilt Again,

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Things Just Happen!

Am I behind or not?
I guess it is the way you look at.

I was hoping to have this pieced and quilted by now to meet the July deadline.
I was a bit over zealous!

So I have altered my goal for the ALYOF's 
This month is having it pieced and Junes is to have it quilted.

 Not sure if this is legal with ALYOF.
If not I guess I am a Outlaw!

Till We Quilt Again,

Linked: ALYOF

Friday, May 29, 2015

Friend's On Friday-Jill

Batting-Quilters Dream 70/30
Quilting-Freehand Feathered Wreaths and Meandering

Till We Quilt Again,

I am on:

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Lovely Blog Award

Judy at Quilt Paradigm nominated me for the "One Lovely Blog Award". With so many great blogs, it was so nice of her to pick me as one of her favorites to share. As so many of us blogettes do--we create connections with other bloggers and Judy's creativness always has me locked in! If you have not been to her blog--please do--always something to see!

The photos are some things I have made or quilted.

We are to share 7 things about ourselves that you may not know and link 10 bloggers that we feel are "Must Reads and Follows".

7 Things!

1. My real life job has been operating and running a campground on the Jersey coast for the past 32 years! 

2. I have been working with my husband ever since I have meet him 33 years ago. And it works out great for us!

3.We have 2 sons. One is self-employeed and the other is a helicoptor flight instructor.

4.)  Our business is seasonal, which allows a nice portion of the year to quilt--ALLOT!

5.) My mother kindly nudged me to a quilting class 24 years ago and we both were hooked. Love that we can share this together!

6.) I currently am President of our local quilt guild and am a member of a Modern guild as well.

7.) May favorite part of making a quilt is the Quilting! 

Here are my "Must Read" blogs that I never miss!
There are done alphabetically.
Please know that there are many more and this is only a short list.
Some are on a summer hiatis too!

Barb-Mountain Quiltworks

Beth-Words & Stitches

Chrissie-Made By ChrissieD


Janet-What Comes Next


Rachel-Blue Mountain Daisy

Teresa-Quilting Is My Bliss

Terry-Terry Kramzar

Val-Val's Quilting Studio

I am not sure if the list above will continue since being nominated, but try to stop over and see all the creative engery happening on thier blogs!

Till We Quilt,

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friend's On Friday-Jan

Wonky Log Cabin

Jan made this for a retirement gift.
I am sure her friend will love it!

Pattern-Wonky Log Cabin 
Batting-Hobbs 80/20
Quilting-Freehand and ruler work

Till We Quilt Again,

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What A Beauty!

WIP Quilting Accomplish!

Diane is a accomplished quilter, quilting teacher as well as long arm quilter.

This is a quilt she made for a classs as a sample last year.

Her plan was to give it as a gift for a family member getting married.

Health has become a major obstacle for her which left her unable to quilt this piece.

Knowing how much she enjoys the quilting process,
for her to ask for my help--I knew it was serious.

Diane likes allot of thread on a quilt.

So that is what she got!

Diane, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed quilting it!

Till We Quilt Again,

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lazy Sunday Stitching!

Had a great day stitching!
So close to finishing!

Will have completed by Tuesday.
Keep'n the fingers crossed!

Till We Quilt Again,