Yeap you read that right!
Inge invited a few quilters for a lunch to celebrate the arrival of her Longarm!

Here is my card for Grace and Mommy Inge
Inside the card I wrote:
Welcome Grace, What a lovely delivery you are. I know you will keep mommy and sometimes daddy up at night. You will sometimes be frustrating, but like anyhthing else it takes practice. Thread is like diapers--you need to try several kinds to see what works. I know you will grow with mommy and make beautiful things.
Aunt Helen
Inside the bag is a Longarm book along with several brands of thread.
And of course a bottle for Inge, to put wine in for those late night feedings!
Funny how we are blocking the new additon.
But you know how it is all about the quilters!
Inge served us a delicious homemade lunch and dessert.
The view of her garden and backyeard was beautiful!
Inge set up a additonal table to seat all of us. Which I am sure she made the mosiac tile table, with lilacs from her garden and pretty darn sure the greens and fresh herb
dressing comes from her garden too.
Inge (our host) is sitting in the white pants and black shirt.
Her home is like a art gallery and she & her husband also are incrediably
talented watercolor and oil artists..
Till We Quilt Again,