Several have emailed asking about the quilt in the frame above.
Even had a phone request to discuss it.
Then comes a phone call asking me to help demo the same technique at our
guild meeting tonight.
This has all been in the past week.
I must be channeling thoughts on
English Paper Piecing!

Here is a full shot of the quilt.
It was a challenge quilt that was entered in a local guild's quilt show.
The guide lines, that I remember (there was more) were it could not be
much bigger than a standard piece of paper. And it had to include words.
My words are attached with bent metal wire and were:
Create, Imagine,Believe, Dream & Inspire.
I had sewn the tumbling blocks together using the English Paper Piecing Technique.
Each diamond was only 1 x 1 1/2 inches.

The quilting was
micro meandering.

Here is a larger quilt that is
EPP'd also.
Having all the papers ready before we left.
I started the
whip stitching on my way to the airport.
And only worked on this while at the airport, during layovers or on the flight (many hours).
Since we were flying form Philadelphia to
Hawaii, I was able to COMPLETE
piecing this together only while traveling. Who wants to sew while in Hawaii--Not Me!
This is 24 x 18.
You can find so... many
tutorials on English Paper
By typing it in your search engine.
It is a great take-along project too.
Till We Quilt Again,